You can learn more about the newest version here. Cinema 4D is a professional 3D modeling, animation, simulation and rendering software solution.
Esta versin incluye actualizaciones para admitir materiales Redshift dentro del sistema de Material de Nodo introducido en Cinema 4D Versin 20. Mixamo Control Rig – the ability to adjust Mixamo animations imported into Cinema 4D for a flexible and powerful workflow. Maxon se complace en anunciar el primer service pack para Cinema 4D Versin 21.Field Forces – The new Field Force dynamics object in R21 allows users to optimize motion graphics workflow in the MoGraph toolset, offering flexibility and power to control dynamic forces in modeling and animation effects for optimized performance.Improved constraints and internal bevels, Delaunay cap skinning and a new library of bevel presets.
Caps and bevels are integrated on all spline-based objects – lathe, loft, sweep, etc.
Very attractive subscription pricing options ensure users around the world can easily access the most up-to-date 3D technology.” Features: “The availability of a unified version of Cinema 4D will allow us to focus on developing one amazing 3D solution. “With R21, we have overhauled virtually every aspect of how our customers choose, download, purchase, license and manage Cinema 4D,” said Maxon CEO, David McGavran.